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Ejaan Baru

Friday, March 05, 2004

All the man I am
You are the reason for me
You help me understand
I'll be your shelter from the rain that never ends
Girl , you've always got a friend in me

All the love we had
I should've know our love was older than the past
Throwing my life away on songs I never heard
Just the speaking of a single word
I made you die inside but you loved me

And don't believe the world
No, the world can't give us paradise
When you make your love to me
Till I just could not see the light
As long as I got you
As long as you got me
As long as we got you and I

I won't let you down
No better love will be there when you turn around
I'll be living for you till the ocean turns to sand
There will never be any man
Could love you just the way that I love you

So don't believe the world
No, the world can't give us paradise
In the eye within the storm
Just when I could not make it through the night
As long as I got you
As long as you got me
As long as we got you and I

Lagi kasmaran berat sama lagoe koenonja Bee Gees ini.
Boeat jang loepa, 'You and I' djoedoelnja.
Tiap kali denger lagoe ini selaloe teringat masa ketjil doeloe.
Saat saja masih anak SD jang tjoeloen nan loegoe.
Entah kenapa saja soeka
Padahal waktoe itoe bahkan beloem ngerti liriknja
Moengkin karena kakak saja keseringan njetelnja
Bikin saja keseringan denger dan akhirnja djadi soeka.

Sekian lama lagoe ini hilang dari ingatan
Terbenam kedalam alam bawah sadar
Sampai suatu malam jang biasa-biasa adja
Ketika 5 orang dokter moeda - istilah lainnja co-ass, mahasiswa kedokteran jang sedang magang di RS - memainkannja dengan diiringi gitar.
Di kamar co-ass jaga bangsal bedah Roemah Sakit Wahidin Soedirohoesodo noen djaoeh di Makassar.
kenangan itoe ditajang-oelangkan
Kali ini dalam bingkai jang berbeda.
Ada aroma persahabatan
Ada noeansa persaoedaraan
Dari 5 anak manoesia jang lelah mengedjar mimpi.

Kini, 5 tahoen setelahnja.
Kawan jang memainkan gitar itoe kembali ke Wahidin
Melandjoetkan mimpi menjadi toekang bioes.
Si pengoesoel lagoe hilang entah kemana.
Doea anak Hawa, salah satoenja dinikahi seorang karjawan bank di Makassar
Konon sampai kini masih disana
Jang satoenja djoega entah dimana.
Satoe orang lagi, jang malam itoe menjanji dengan fales-nja.
Sekarang merenoeng didepan kompoeter
Diketerpentjilan seboeah andjoengan minjak lepas pantai
In the middle of nowhere.
Masih merenoeng.

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